Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Attorney
For nearly 10 years, Blaine Jones Law, LLC has successfully represented numerous clients, resulting in diminished charges or complete case dismissals. Knowing that criminal accusations can be both frightening and confusing, our legal team is prepared to handle the complicated legal paperwork and the bulk of your case. As knowledgeable Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyers, our firm is dedicated to each and every client's case, taking every effort to find appropriate evidence and prepare a solid defense.
Having taken on over 10,000 criminal cases, Attorney Jones brings a high level of compassion to each client's situation, paired with aggressive tactics in the courtroom. Together this combination has brought him a myriad of success stories. Conducting over 50 trials and representing clients in over 4,000 preliminary hearings, his hard-hitting defense has given him a reputation as a reliable and effective attorney. Check back to this page soon to read some of our client testimonials and call our office today to begin your case defense.

Hard-Hitting Trial AttorneyLearn why it's important to hire an attorney who isn't afraid to take your case to trial!
Civil Law PracticeLearn more about our Civil Law practice areas and how we can help you today!
Dos & Don'ts of Criminal DefenseFollow these helpful tips following an arrest.
Arrest While in College?Don't let this affect your education! Learn how important it is to hire the right attorney.