Underage Drinking Attorney in Pittsburgh
Defense Against Your Charges
If your child has been charged with underage drinking, then you need to contact a criminal defense lawyer, like Blaine Jones, who has successfully handled underage drinking charges for many years. Pennsylvania maintains laws regarding underage drinking that make it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase, attempt to purchase, possess, consume, or knowingly transport alcoholic beverages. If you or someone you know has been charged with underage drinking in Pittsburgh or the surrounding areas of Western Pennsylvania, then you need to contact Blaine Jones Law, LLC to discuss what legal options may be available.
If you are given a breathalyzer test by law enforcement that measures any amount of alcohol in your system, then, as a person under 21, you can be charged with underage drinking. The penalties you face are a driver's license suspension for up to 90 days for a first offense, 1 year for a second offense, and up to 2 years for subsequent offenses. You may be fined up to $300 plus court costs as a first-time offender, up to $500 on subsequent offenses, and face jail for up to 90 days. For those under 18 arrested for an underage drinking offense, parents or guardians will be notified about offenses and accusations.
Underage Drinking
A skilled Pittsburgh underage drinking lawyer working on your behalf as soon as possible can make a difference in how your case evolves and what will be its final outcome. Underage drinking is a crime under Pennsylvania law, violation of which could place a serious blemish on an individual's record. If you have been charged with underage drinking, then you need to contact Blaine Jones Law, LLC.
With the assistance of our firm, you may be able to have your charges lessened. On a first offense, you may be allowed an alternative program resulting only in community services or an alcohol education class. In this type of program, you do not have to plead guilty, and when you successfully complete the program, the charges against you are dismissed.
Do not hesitate; if you are being charged with underage drinking, you must contact our firm as soon as possible to defend your rights and future.

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