Pittsburgh Theft Crimes Lawyer
There are different types of theft offenses a person can be charged with in Pittsburgh. You need the experience of an aggressive lawyer handling cases for people charged with a theft offense in Pittsburgh or the surrounding areas of Western Pennsylvania.
About Retail Theft Charges
Retail theft, also known as shoplifting, may sound like a minor offense. If you are convicted, however, that conviction will remain on your criminal record, accessible to any future employers, landlords, educational institutions, and others through a simple background check. It is, therefore, important that you deal with the charges you are facing with the professional legal help of a qualified Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney.
You will only have this one opportunity to give yourself the best possible chance of a favorable outcome.
By contacting the Pittsburgh criminal attorney at our firm, you can get the skilled legal advice you need and aggressive representation for your defense.
How Our Firm Can Help
Attorney Blaine Jones can work to get the charges against you reduced or dismissed; you may be able to get the charges dropped by paying restitution. You may also be able to get an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) which allows you to pay a fine, be put on probation for 1 to 2 years, and possibly be sentenced to community service. Once the probation period ends, if you have not committed any other criminal offenses, the charges against you are removed from your record.
Having an experienced criminal lawyer looking out for your best interests, arguing for leniency, and assessing your situation for the best defense strategies based on the facts of your case, is the best action you can take to protect yourself and your future. Theft is charged according to the value of the goods or property stolen. On a first offense of goods under $150, it is charged as a summary offense punishable by up to 90 days in jail. Theft of goods valued between $150 and $2,000 is charged as a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

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