Prostitution Defense Attorney in Pittsburgh
Charges of prostitution or solicitation can be embarrassing. Often, these cases amount to government interference into the private lives of adults. In other case, undercover police operations entrap or coerce "suspects" into committing crimes they would not otherwise commit. Such charges must always be taken seriously, however. Charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, charges of prostitution or solicitation can lead to much embarrassment and may result in job loss or other social consequences.
Pittsburgh prostitution defense lawyer, Blaine Jones, is committed to defending the rights of clients in such cases in as discrete and economical a manner as possible. Prostitution (ยง 5902) is typically a third-degree misdemeanor. Though repeat offenses can result in upgraded charges. A charge of solicitation of prostitution can be either a misdemeanor or felony.
Prostitution & Solicitation Defenses in Pittsburgh
In some cases, prosecutors may push more serious charges. Promotion of Prostitution is a separate offense under Pennsylvania law and can require registration as a sex offender upon conviction. In some cases, such charges can be third-degree felonies, punishable by up to 7 years in prison.
Promotion of prostitution can include:
- Solicitation of a person to patronize a prostitute.
- Procurement of a prostitute for a third party.
- Transportation of someone to engage in prostitution.
- Permitting a property to be used for prostitution.
- Running a place of prostitution.
- Procuring prostitutes.
- Compelling prostitution.
- Promoting prostitution.
Pittsburgh Lawyer Handling Prostitution Cases
Investigators and prosecutors understand the embarrassment of such charges and often use it against a defendant in order to get a quick guilty plea. As a Pittsburgh prostitution defense lawyer, Blaine Jones also understands the embarrassment. However, such charges can often be beat, reduced or outright dismissed. And keeping a conviction off your criminal record is the best bet for avoiding lasting damage or embarrassment.
A quick plea agreement will not only leave you with a criminal record, it can subject you to sex offender registration or other consequences. And Pennsylvania's prostitution laws make a subsequent offense more serious. You may not think that's a problem, unless you have already been convicted of a prostitution related charge. You will not be given the benefit of the doubt in the future. Hail a cab in the wrong part of town, and you could find yourself facing a subsequent offense.
Pittsburgh Prostitution Lawyer
These are often tough cases for the state to prove. And, as misdemeanors, they are often nuisance cases, particularly if the defendant has no previous convictions for prostitution or solicitation. As such, first-time charges are often the easiest to beat or to have reduced to disorderly conduct or other misdemeanor that does not carry the stigma associated with being convicted of a sex crime. If you been arrested for Prostitution in Moon Township than call Blaine Jones Law, LLC immediately. Blaine Jones Law, LLC has successfully represented many people charged with Prostitution in Moon Twp.
In fact, Blaine Jones was the attorney in the Moon Township/ Coraopolis Magistrate for over a year and is familiar with the methods used in the Prostitution stings on University Blvd and throughout Moon Township. If you have been arrested for Prostitution in Greentree call our law firm. We have represented many individuals charged with Prostitution in Greentree.
If you have been arrested in Monroeville for Prostitution and need a lawyer to fight the charges of Prostitution in Monroeville then call Blaine Jones Law, LLC.

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