Internet Sex Crime Defense Attorney
With the popularity of the Internet has come an explosion in the number of electronic sex crimes filed at both the state and federal levels. Case law is new and constantly evolving. Finding an Internet sex crimes attorney in Pittsburgh with the knowledge and experienced to handle such cases is vital when it comes to protecting your rights. These cases can be filed in either state or federal court, and require a thorough understanding of the technical issues as well as the applicable law under which a defendant is charged. The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports a more than 2,000 percent increase in the number of cases initiated by the Innocent Images National Initiative between 1996 and 2007.
Computer Sex Crimes in Pittsburgh: Defending your Rights
Probable cause continues to be an ongoing area of contention between state and federal investigators and defense attorneys. As does the information relied upon for the execution of search warrants. Most federal investigations result from a citizen complaint, a complaint from an online service provider, or a referral from a third-party agency. Such hearsay evidence is notoriously unreliable and would not be relied upon in most other types of criminal investigations. But when it comes to sex offenses, law enforcement too often takes an "anything-goes" approach. "Investigations" conducted at the state and local level are even more problematic. These cases are often devoid of even the nominal investigative knowledge and abilities that exist at the federal level.
Protect Your Right to Remain Silent
Investigators know and understand your embarrassment. And they will use it in an attempt to get a confession or to get you to make other incriminating statements. You are not going to talk your way out of such charges. Your best bet is to remain silent and to contact an experienced Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.
Qualified Legal Help
Pittsburgh internet crimes defense attorney, Blaine Jones, has the knowledge and experience to fight for your rights in the wake of allegations involving computer crimes, including pornography and child enticement. These charges can be quite serious. Child pornography charges, for instance, are often levied in connection with each image, leaving a defendant facing life behind bars. Computer viruses have been known to leave illicit images behind. In other cases, those engaged in the pornography business have used third-party computers to store illegal images. And in still other cases, file-sharing software or another user in the household may be responsible for illegal pornographic images found on a computer.

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