Criminal Defense Attorney for Protection From Abuse Orders (PFA) in Pittsburgh
PFA Lawyer in Pittsburgh, PA
Issuing a protection from abuse order (PFA) does not occur in a criminal court. However, the conditions of that order are legally required by the subject of the order and any violation of the conditions could quickly become a criminal offense involving punishments. The offense would be one of criminal contempt, meaning the defendant would be in contempt of court. The penalty for criminal contempt involves a jail sentence of up to six months and a fine of as much as $1,000.
Restraining orders or protective orders may be requested by an alleged victim who accuses someone of stalking, domestic abuse or some other form of harassment. A restraining order does not mean that the subject of the order is guilty of criminal activity or even that he or she is being charged with a criminal offense. However, once the order is in place the subject of the order is required by law to comply with its conditions and keep a specific distance from their accuser. Since it is a court order, violating the conditions would be going against the demands of the court. This is why violation of restraining orders becomes a matter of criminal contempt.
If there has been a restraining order or protective order issued against you, it is best to comply with the conditions as much as possible. If criminal charges have not been brought against you, it is advisable that you do whatever you can to keep yourself out of trouble with the court. However, if there has been an accusation that you violated the order, you should contact a Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney immediately. Courts and judges do not take matters of criminal contempt lightly, as they are a direct defilement to the authority of the court. You could be facing penalties and fines that will be a detriment to your livelihood.
Make sure that you are fully defended by a Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyer, call Blaine Jones Law, LLC today.

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