Underage DUI
Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Attorney
Drinking alcohol under the age of 21 is illegal in all states across the country. Many states, including Pennsylvania, have specific statutes pertaining to underage drinking and driving. The state has a "Zero-Tolerance" policy on underage DUI because of its laws against underage drinking and DUI. There are two fundamental groups that fall under the jurisdiction of this zero-tolerance policy. The first and most obvious are minors under the age of 18 and the other are young adults between the ages of 18 and 20. While these two groups are processed under different legal jurisdictions, they are both subject to special penalties if caught with any traceable amount of alcohol in their blood stream.
The first of these groups, the minors, are processed under the state's juvenile law. Penalties for minors caught driving with .01 percent alcohol concentration in their bloodstream include jail time and heavy fines. For a first offense, a minor may face up to 48 hours in jail, be compelled to pay up to $5,000 in fines and participate in any court ordered alcohol treatment programs. Penalties for the offense increase steadily for second and third offenses, which are accompanied with much longer jail sentences.
For young adults over the age of 18 but younger than 21, the rules remain the same. Any traceable amount of alcohol may constitute a DUI charge with severe penalties. Unlike minors, this group of individuals will be tried under adult criminal laws, meaning that jail time is spent in county facilities with other convicted individuals. An underage DUI conviction for a young adult carries a minimum jail sentence of two days, which can reach up to six months depending on circumstances. Various fines and court ordered programs also apply.
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DUI convictions of any kind will automatically result in a license suspension of at least 12 months. Penalties may be increased if the blood alcohol content recorded is especially high or if the individual has repeated offenses. It is important to remember that having a criminal record can damage chances of being accepted into college or even being hired by a desired employer. These are all reasons that underage DUI charges should be taken seriously.
If you or your child has been charged with underage DUI in Pittsburgh, contact Blaine Jones Law, LLC to speak with a Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney with proven results. I am Attorney Jones and I want to defend you against your DUI charge so that you have the best chances at succeeding in life. Do not let one mistake ruin you forever.
Call my office today to learn more about how we can defend you.

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