Pittsburgh DUI Attorney
Seeking Expungement of DUI Record
In the state of Pennsylvania, there are specific laws and regulations for those that wish to have a DUI conviction erased from their record. Expungement is the term for clearing criminal records from any and all courts, correctional facilities, law enforcement agencies and other organizations, regarding an arrest, detention, trial or any other type of activity associated with the criminal system. Having an offense expunged is a privilege and not an action that is available to all individuals. All of the necessary paperwork must be filled out correctly and in an efficient manner by someone who is aware of Pennsylvania State laws. It is considered a wise decision to have a skilled Pittsburgh DUI lawyer to assist in completing any forms or petitions.
ARD Program
There is a program in Pennsylvania for first time DUI offenders called the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD). Working as an intervention program, ARD offers those facing a first time DUI charge with a very limited criminal record or absolutely no history of criminal activity a chance to take part in this two year program instead of going to trial. During this period of time, the individual will be supervised as if on probation and must meet all of the necessary fundamentals of the program in order to complete it. Should the individual fail to comply with any aspect of the ARD, they will be evicted from the program and must deal with their original DUI charges.
Once the process is complete, the DUI will be expunged from the driver's record, which is the biggest reason why many choose the ARD program. Before jumping into this program it is always best to consult with a DUI attorney that is knowledgeable regarding your charges and your situation.
Benefits of Expungement
Whether you were able to complete the ARD program or it has been five years since your DUI probation period has ended, it is a wise idea to seek expungement. Seeking an occupation or education can be difficult when a criminal offense is on your existing record. Many companies may refuse employees simply on the basis that they have past offenses. Having your record cleared entirely can allow for many more opportunities that may not otherwise been available to you. Get in touch with a legal advocate today to discuss the options you have so that you can experience the freedom from the past that you desire.
Contact an Aggressive Representative
Completing the process and paperwork for expunction can be daunting and complicated. By allowing one of our knowledgeable legal team members to worry about all of those details for you, you can be freed up to focus on other more important things. At our firm, we offer the legal assistance of a former defense lawyer for the Allegheny County Office of the Public Defender and a former prosecutor for the U.S. Government. Together they have managed to handle thousands of criminal cases and they continue to build a powerful reputation for Blaine Jones Law, LLC.
If you are unsure where to turn and are in need of reliable legal assistance, look no further and contact a Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyer at our office today!

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