DUI Lawyer in Pittsburgh
DUI's & Motor Vehicle Insurance
Often overlooked during the early stages of a DUI case, many motorists accept a deal with prosecutors or otherwise resign themselves to having a conviction on their record, only to realize they can't afford to drive anymore after seeing their insurance premium. A doubling or tripling of the premium is commonplace, leaving some paying $300 or $400 a month for car insurance for years. In some cases your policy may be cancelled or you may be unable to get insurance.
Pittsburgh DUI defense attorney, Blaine Jones, has dedicated a significant portion of his practice to the aggressive representation of those charged with drunk driving in Allegheny County and throughout Western Pennsylvania. Many times, these charges can be beat, or a reduction or dismissal can be won. Most often, that is true with a first offense. Unfortunately, motorists too often fail to fight a first charge, thereby dooming themselves to outrageous insurance premiums and other consequences. Some estimates put the total cost of a DUI conviction at nearly $20,000, once insurance increases and other costs are factored into the equation. Seeking the representation of a Pittsburgh criminal attorney is an excellent investment.
Pittsburgh DUI Charges and Insurance Premiums
Failure to maintain insurance can lead to additional legal hassles. If PennDOT determines you are uninsured, your vehicle registration can be suspended for three months. Driving without insurance can result in a three-month suspension of your driving privileges. Too often, that leads to charges of driving with a suspended or revoked license in Pennsylvania, which can result in the serious threat of jail time. As a summary offense, you can face up to 90 days in jail and an additional suspension. Depending on points, your license may be revoked altogether.
Don't Plead Guilty to DUI! Affordable Defense in Pittsburgh
These are just a few of the common consequences of a DUI conviction. In far too many cases, a defendant fails to seriously consider the full range of penalties when facing a first-offense charge. Ironically, that rarely happens with a second or subsequent offense because I driver knows such consequences are all too real.
If you've been charged with driving under the influence, call Pittsburgh DUI attorney, Blaine Jones, for a confidential consultation.

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