Pittsburgh DUI Lawyer
DUI Probation Violation
Probation is one of the most misunderstood components of a DUI sentence. For those unfamiliar with the criminal justice system, "probation" can be a magic word that means "no jail," or "second chance." These same defendants are amazed to learn that it's not unusual for those experienced with the system to choose to serve a jail sentence rather than to attempt to comply with terms of probation.
Blaine Jones is a veteran Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney who knows what it takes to defend clients facing serious misdemeanor and felony charges. The truth of the matter is that probation can be a double-edged sword.
A probationary sentence of six months or longer is common in many DUI cases, including those handled through the state's Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program. Probation is no free ride. It's worth noting that all of Lindsay Lohan's legal problems have resulted from probation violations stemming from a pair of DUI convictions.
Pittsburgh DUI Conviction and Probation Violations
- Violating probation can result in immediate sentencing on the underlying charge with little or no opportunity to contest the allegations. In other words, accepting probation as part of a plea to a DUI charge that could have resulted in up to six months in prison means a judge can sentence you to six months in prison for even a minor violation.
- Those on probation face additional requirements, which may include a curfew, restrictions on associates and job-related stipulations. Consequently, you can find yourself in trouble with the law even if you have not broken the law.
- Probation officers can search your home without a warrant, can require that you submit to random blood and alcohol testing and can make other demands that would normally be a violation of your rights.
- For many, probation violations can lead to longer terms of probation. It's a cycle that can result in years of supervision and an inability to regain your freedom and independence.
An experienced Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney can often help a client avoid some of the most common pitfalls of probation. Speak to an experienced lawyer before accepting any "deal" from prosecutors.

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