DUI Attorney in Pittsburgh
Driving Under the Influence of Illegal Substances
While many people recognize that alcohol can have an effect on driving, the use of drugs is just as prominent in its impairment of certain functions. Drugs can significantly change perceptions, coordination, reaction time, ability to pay attention and be alert, cognitive thinking and other capabilities that are needed to operate any type of vehicle. Depending on the type of substance, how long the individual has been taking drugs and how much was consumed, different outcomes can ensue.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) surveyed drivers in a national poll and found that over 16 percent of individuals driving at night and on the weekends tested positive with prescription, illegal or other drugs in their system. Statistics like this have caused law enforcement officers to be on greater alert. Unfortunately, many innocent people can get caught up in the mix when law officers are so intent on putting a stop to drugged driving. At Blaine Jones Law, LLC, we understand that individuals need the help of accomplished and knowledgeable advocates if and when they have been charged with drug-related DUI offenses.
Possible Penalties If Convicted
Pennsylvania has recently adopted much stricter laws when it comes to driving under the influence of drugs. In years past, prosecutors had to prove that the use of drugs actually negatively affected the driver's abilities, but now even a trace of controlled substances within the bloodstream can be cause for conviction. The definition of a controlled substance includes any type of prescription, non-prescription drug, such as marijuana, ecstasy, meth and cocaine, or unauthorized narcotic, like Vicodin and Oxycontin.
If you are charged with a drug-related DUI, it is the same as being accused of having a BAC level of .16 percent or higher. The consequences for conviction are as follows:
First Time Offense:
- One year license suspension
- 72 hours to 6 months in prison
- $1,000 to $5,000 in fines
Second Time Offense:
- 18 month license suspension
- 90 days to 5 years in prison
- $1,500 to $10,000 in fines
Third or Subsequent Offense:
- 18 month license suspension
- 1 to 5 years license suspension
- $2,500 to $10,000 in fines
In addition, those that are convicted must attend an Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition Program. Repeat offenders will have to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle as well. This is not only costly, but can be a huge hassle as these devices may ask the driver to test their BAC level at completely random times. Allow a qualified Pittsburgh DUI lawyer to come to your legal defense to protect your rights and freedoms.
How Can I Fight a Drug-Related Dui Accusation?
With the harsher state laws, it has become trickier to create a solid defense, but this has not stopped Attorney Blaine Jones. Having handled over 10,000 criminal cases and taken 50 to trial, he is well-versed in the courtroom. Special Counsel Attorney, Al Burke, has had over 25 years of experience in the field, spending 23 of those years as a Federal Prosecutor for the U.S. Government.
As a team, they can work with you to determine whether or not the law officer that pulled you over had probable cause to do so. If he or she did not, there could be a definite a chance that you could have your charges decreased or even a full case dismissal. Frightening and oftentimes very frustrating, these kinds of cases should not be dealt with alone.
By contacting our firm today, you can begin the legal process with the help of an experienced Pittsburgh DUI lawyer at your side.

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