DUI Attorney in Pittsburgh
DMV Points System & Process
For many Pittsburgh motorists, Pennsylvania's driver's license point system is a mystery. We believe there is empowerment in educating yourself. Far too many routine traffic violations can lead to suspensions, skyrocketing insurance premiums and serious legal problems, including charges of driving with a suspended or revoked license. Consulting a Pittsburgh criminal attorney is the best course of action. Fighting the charge at the outset is often much simpler that contesting license suspensions or additional criminal charges resulting from a suspension or revocation of your driving rights.
Pennsylvania Driver's License Points Explained
Corrective action begins at 6 points:
- First-offense six points = written special point examination.
- Second-offense six points requires a hearing.
- Third-offense six points = suspension.
Points Removal:
- 3 points per year are removed, provided a driver is not under a license suspension or revocation and no new violations occur.
Points for Juvenile Offenders in Pennsylvania
- The driver's license of a minor may be suspended after six points or if convicted of driving 26mph or more over the speed limit.
- The first suspension is for 90 days. Subsequent suspensions are for 120 days.
Points Infractions and Your Pennsylvania Driver's License
Traffic violations for which points may accrue:
- Vehicular Homicide
- Reckless Driving
- Street Racing
- Fleeing Police
- Felonies involving a Vehicle
- Driving on a suspended or revoked license
- Hit-and-run
- Failure to stop for a school bus
- Failure to comply with railroad markings
Upon notification of a suspension, you must surrender your license to PennDOT. No credit toward suspension will be earned until a license has been forfeited. Any appeal must be filed within 30 days.
If you are facing traffic charges, call Pittsburgh DUI defense attorney, Blaine Jones, for a confidential consultation.

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