Pittsburgh DUI Attorney
Avoiding a DUI Conviction
In an increasing number of cases, the social consequences of a DUI conviction can be as serious as the criminal penalties. Loss of your driver's license, job loss, skyrocketing insurance premiums, the embarrassment of being forced to use an ignition interlock device, and the inability to obtain certain jobs or work in certain professional can all be common consequences of a drunk driving conviction in Allegheny County or elsewhere in Pittsburgh.
Fighting a Pittsburgh Drunk Driving Charge
Pittsburgh DUI defense attorney Blaine Jones knows what it takes to defend clients from drunk driving charges. In the last decade, the number of motorists arrested and charged with DUI has skyrocketed from 30,000 to 50,000 per year. Authorities continue to place outsized emphasis on this crime even as the number of serious and fatal alcohol-related accidents has reached an all-time low in the United States.
The result is an increasing number of marginal and unfair arrests. A first-offense DUI charge in Pennsylvania is often beatable. And is typically the easiest to win a reduction. Yet those facing these charges often have little or no experience with the criminal justice system. They look at the immediate ramifications and often take a plea without looking at the legal and social headaches that await just down the road.
The average total cost of a DUI conviction is now approaching $20,000, once increased insurance premiums and other costs are factored into the equation. Consulting an experienced Pittsburgh drunk driving defense attorney is an excellent use of your time and your resources.
Pennsylvania Dui Defenses Include:
- Illegal Car Stop: If the officer lacked reasonable probable cause to pull you over, an experienced drunk driving defense lawyer can win a dismissal of your case.
- Probable Cause for Arrest: Once stopped, an officer must have probable cause to request that you perform field-sobriety tests or submit to a breathalyzer and must have probable cause for arrest.
- Field-Sobriety Testing: These subjective tests are worthless. Additionally, officers often use non-standardized tests, such as touching your nose or saying the alphabet.
- Breath Tests: This junk science continues to come under fire from coast to coast. There are many ways to challenge breath test results.
- Video Evidence: From a cruiser cam or booking interview can contradict an officer's testimony.
- Officer Training: Can be challenged, either in making the arrest or using a breathalyzer machine.
These are just a few of the legal challenges an experienced Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyer can deploy on your behalf. In all cases, the best defense is an aggressive offense.
If you've been charged with driving under the influence, call Pittsburgh DUI attorney, Blaine Jones, for a confidential consultation.

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