Pittsburgh DUI Attorney
Were You Arrested for a DUI or DWI?
If you are facing charges for driving under the influence in Pittsburgh or the surrounding areas of Western Pennsylvania, then you are probably worried about the consequences. Our firm has successfully handled thousands of drunk driving and driving under the influence charges. Pennsylvania's drunk driving laws are tough, and our firm can help represent you against your DUI or DWI accusations. Many drunk driving cases, however, can be won in court with the skilled and educated assistance of an experienced attorney. At Blaine Jones Law, LLC, we will work diligently on your behalf, investigating every element of the drunk driving charges you may be facing, using all of our extensive resources to provide you with the most effective defense possible.
Fighting a DUI Charge – Issues and Defenses
An experienced Pittsburgh DUI defense lawyer can challenge a DUI charge on a number of fronts:
- Probable Cause: An officer must have probable cause to stop your vehicle and probable cause to request that you perform field sobriety tests or submit to a breathalyzer.
- Sobriety Test: These tests are nothing more than an opinion of whether or not you are intoxicated by an officer whose job it is to gather evidence of your guilt. There are only three nationally recognized field sobriety tests and the results should be challenged in court by an experienced attorney.
- Breathalyzer Test: The Intoxilyzer 5000 is under heavy fire in Pennsylvania and numerous other states. The results simply are not accurate and the machine simply does not do what it purports to do.
- Officer training: Officers need specialized training to conduct a DUI investigation and arrest. Likewise, special training is required to administer a breath test.
- Officer conduct: The overall conduct and experience of an officer at the scene can be challenged.
- Diversion: You may be eligible for the state's Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD).
- Plea Bargain: Your attorney may be successful in seeking a reduction or dismissal of the charges.
Pennsylvania State Laws About DUI
Our firm is well aware of the laws pertaining to driving under the influence and drunk driving arrests in all of Western Pennsylvania. Being arrested and charged with a DUI or DWI will result in two different legal challenges. The first is the criminal DUI or DWI case, in which you could face criminal penalties such as jail time and fines, alcohol educational programs, and probation. The second potential issue of a DUI case is that the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will seek to revoke your driver's license as an administrative penalty. Both of these drunk driving penalties must be addressed immediately. Retaining the legal services of an attorney as soon as possible can greatly benefit your case.
When you are licensed to operate a motor vehicle in the state, you are agreeing to the rule of implied consent, which means that if law enforcement stops you on suspicion of impaired driving due to drugs or alcohol, you will have to submit to a chemical test. The chemical test will measure your blood alcohol concentration, which will determine the punishments you face if convicted of a DUI. Previous charges and conviction will also weigh against you, increasing the potential penalties you may face upon conviction.
These charges are serious, and if you have been arrested, it is imperative that you contact Blaine Jones Law, LLC today to speak with an attorney.
View the firm's profile at FindaDUIAttorney.com.

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