Domestic Violence Charges in Pittsburgh
Accused of Domestic Violence?
The Allegheny County District Attorney's office reports that 39 percent of all female homicide victims statewide are victims of domestic violence. Law enforcement and prosecutors in Pittsburgh are taking a tough stance against crimes of domestic violence. In fact, the D. A.'s office has a Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit in place to "promote the safety of domestic violence victims while at the same time holding batterers accountable for their criminal conduct." Domestic violence is not a private matter between you and the alleged victim. It is a crime which is prosecuted by the state, and if you have been accused it is of the greatest importance that you take action to protect your future by contacting a Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney now.
Charged With Strangulation in Pittsburgh or Western Pa?
You have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor under the new Pa Strangulation law. The new strangulation law was enacted in Pennsylvania in late 2016. the premise behind the Strangulation law is to address a specific type of domestic violence. Prior to the new PA strangulation law going into effect, a person would have been charged under Aggravated Assault. However, with this enactment, strangulation is considered a stand alone criminal offense.
Title 18 Pa Consolidated Statute Section 2718. Strangulation., reads in part,
(a) Offense defined- A person commits the offense of strangulation if the person knowingly or intentionally impedes the breathing or circulation of the blood of another person by:
- Applying pressure to the throat or neck; or
- Blocking the nose and mouth of the person
At Blaine Jones Law, we have handled hundreds of domestic violence cases with a successful result.
If you or a loved one have been charged in Pittsburgh or Western PA under the new PA Strangulation law call our firm immediately!
Specifics and Penalties That Are Involved
This type of criminal offense includes any type of incident of abuse involving spouses, former spouses, parents and children, people who are related by blood or marriage, romantic partners and people who share a child. It includes acts of assault, harassment. rape, stalking, sexual assault, false imprisonment and sexual abuse. In some cases it is charged as a misdemeanor, while in more serious cases where the victim is injured, it can qualify as a felony offense.
Regardless of the circumstances of the charges, it is vital to defend against allegations in order to avoid the serious criminal penalties and the social stigma that may follow in the wake of a conviction. Given the nature of the offense, even an arrest can cause serious damage to one's reputation, so it is important to hire an attorney who can help to manage the case and pursue a discreet and swift resolution.
Pittsburgh Domestic Violence Protection Orders
A domestic violence arrest may very well result in the issuance of a protection order which prohibits the defendant from contacting or coming near the alleged victim. The order has the power to evict or remove the defendant from a shared residence, regardless of whose name is on the lease or deed. If the two parties share children the order can award temporary child custody to the parent without the charges, as well as assign child support and spousal support as needed. The order can even restrict the right to own or possess firearms. You must do everything you can to obey the terms of the order, even if the other party has contacted you with an offer to reconcile.
Remember that your spouse or partner does not have the authority to enforce the order or waive it. It is a court order with the full force of law, and if you are caught in violation you can be arrested and charged with contempt of court. Instead, let a criminal defense attorney from Blaine Jones Law, LLC guide you through this stressful experience and work to achieve a favorable resolution to the case.

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