Bond Reduction Lawyer in Pittsburgh
If you need legal assistance in getting a bond or bail amount reduced, you should contact a Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney at our firm immediately. Once the bail / bond has been set by the court, it is possible to petition the judge who set it, ask for a reduction at a hearing, or file a motion in the county where the case is being heard. Our firm assists clients who need help in getting bond reductions in the greater Pittsburgh area as well as in the surrounding areas of western Pennsylvania.
Sometimes the bail or bond set by a judge is too high and a defendant cannot find a way to meet it. Many defendants do not have that much cash on hand to pay the bail and must seek the services of a bondsman. This allows you to get out of jail with only a small amount because the bondsman puts up the majority of the money. Using a bondsman, however, may cost much more in the end because of the high interest you will have to pay.
Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Lawyer
Our experienced and competent Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyer can be very helpful in working on your behalf to get a bond reduction through the courts. Often this can be accomplished at the arraignment or in a separate bond reduction hearing. Bail and bond amounts are set by judges based on many factors, such as whether or not you are employed, have substantial family and community ties which would prevent you from fleeing, whether or not you have shown up for scheduled hearings in the past or have a history of flight, and how much you can afford to pay. Our attorney can present to the judge pertinent facts and details about you to help reduce the amount.
Contact a Pittsburgh bond reduction attorney at the firm if you need legal representation in getting a bond amount reduced through the courts today.

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