Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Arson Lawyer
Protecting Your Freedom and Your Future
Arson is a serious criminal offense that packs harsh criminal penalties. A charge that involved setting fire to or burning property or land, arson can involve a number of various circumstances. In addition to standard arson charges, the state of Pennsylvania also enforces laws for related offenses. If you or a loved one has recently been arrested and charged for arson in Pittsburgh or any of the surrounding counties of Western Pennsylvanian, you need the experienced representation our firm's Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyers can provide. If you have been charged with Arson in Allegheny, Beaver, Washington, Westmoreland, or any other county in Pennsylvania then call our Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Arson Lawyers.
Generally, arson is an offense that involves a person intentionally starting a fire or causing an explosion. Depending on the circumstances involved, defendants may face various arson charges. These can include the following:
Arson Endangering Persons
These charges may arise if arson is committed in a way or to a property so as to place another person in danger of death or bodily injury, or if the arson is committed on an inhabited building or occupied structure. Arson endangering persons is a first degree felony.
Arson Endangering Property
Arson upon property is a second degree felony offense. This charge includes unoccupied structures, the endangerment of nearby inhabited businesses and the act of arson with the intent to defraud an insurance company.
As felony offenses these arson charges carry considerable and life-altering criminal penalties. If convicted, you can expect large fines and restitution, as well and mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment.
There are also several related arson charges, including:
- Reckless burning or exploding
- Dangerous burning
- Failure to control or report dangerous fires
- Possession of explosive of incendiary materials or devices
Whatever charged you or your loved one may face, retaining legal assistance is essential in reducing your risks of suffering the most crippling penalties. Prepared to meticulously investigate the circumstances surrounding your allegations and arrest, our team of Pittsburgh criminal defense attorneys can provide you with the support and advocacy you require.
Contact a Pittsburgh Criminal Arson Defense Lawyer to Discuss Your Case
At Blaine Jones Law, LLC, our legal team has spent years refining the legal skills and strategies needed to effectively investigate cases, gather evidence and work toward breaking down the case of the prosecution. Throughout the years, our firm has demonstrated an ability to consistently prove that we remain committed to our clients and focused on obtaining the most favorable resolution possible.
We strongly advise anyone who may be facing an arson allegation or any of the related offenses to reach out to our proven, experienced and passionate Pittsburgh criminal defense attorneys. With so much at stake and your future well-being on the line, you cannot take chances. Place your trust in a firm that fights tirelessly on your behalf.

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