Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Attorney
Our Record of Success

Blaine Jones Law, LLC aggressively attacks criminal charges for his clients! For years, Attorney Blaine Jones has provided exemplary legal representation in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. Attorney Jones is committed to achieving the most beneficial result for the individuals he represents. The following illustrates a VERY SMALL FRACTION OF THE CASES Attorney Jones has tried:
Commonwealth v. WW (Trial)
Charges: Arrested in Allegheny County on 2 counts of Possession With Intent to Deliver (PWID) (401 grams of cocaine) / Carrying a Firearm Without a License / 2 counts of Possession. Arrested in Allegheny ounty for 1 count of Paraphernalia
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant leased an apartment in which the Pittsburgh Police served a search warrant. The Pittsburgh Police officers found 401 grams of cocaine and a firearm in the apartment in the Defendant's apartment.
Verdict: NOT GUILTY ON ALL 5 CHARGES. If convicted, the Defendant was facing a minimum of 37 years in the Pennsylvania State Prison system.
Commonwealth v. JJ (Trial)
Charge: Murder- 1st Degree
Trial: Jury
Alleged Facts: The Commonwealth had an eye witness that testified against Attorney Jones' client. However, with a tremendous amount of preparation and aggressive lawyering, Attorney Jones was able to destroy the credibility of the Commonwealth's alleged eye witness.
Verdict: NOT GUILTY. (If convicted the Defendant would have been sentence to Life without the Possibility of Parole)
Commonwealth v. JL (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge: Homicide
Alleged Facts: Attorney Jones' client allegedly shot the victim in the back of the head. Our client's coat allegedly had gunpowder residue on the sleeve.
Case Result: THE CHARGES OF HOMICIDE WERE DISMISSED! After a 2 hour preliminary hearing after which the Government presented three witnessess. One of the Government's witnessess was Attorney Jones' client's aunt. Attorney Jones successfully argued to have all charges DISMISSED! Attorney Jones' client walked out of jail that day as a free man!
Commonwealth v. FO (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count Possession with Intent to Deliver (PWID) / 1 count Carrying a Firearm without a License / 1 count Possession of a Controlled Substance
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was riding in a vehicle that was stopped by Police Officers. Inside the vehicle was a backpack that Police Officers claimed the Defendant was the owner of because there allegedly was the Defendant's ID in the bag (driver's license). In the back pack Police Officers discovered a gun and a significant amount of drugs.
Case Results: DISMISSED - if found guilty, the Defendant was facing a mandatory prison sentence of 5 years-10 years in the Pennsylvania State Prison system.
Commonwealth v. KD (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 Count of Possession with Intent to Deliver (PWID) - Heroin / 1 count of Possession of a Controlled Substance
Alleged Facts: According to the Police report, a confidential informant was used to buy a brick (50 stamp bags) of heroin from the Defendant. The Officers kept constant surveillance of the buy and allegedly watched the buy take place.
Case Results: ALL CHARGES against the Defendant were WITHDRAWN (charges dropped). If convicted the Defendant was facing a minimum prison sentence of 3 years.
Commonwealth v. TG (Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Possession With Intent to Deliver (Crack Cocaine) / 1 Count of Possession of a Controlled Substance (Crack Cocaine) / 1 Count of Drivers Required to be Licensed / 1 count of General Lighting Requirements
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was arrested in the city of Pittsburgh. According to the Police Criminal Complaint the Defendant was the driver of a vehicle that failed to make a left turn signal. After being pulled over a backpack was found in the Defendant's vehicle containing 62.31 grams of crack cocaine. There was also a passenger in the vehicle with the Defendant.
Case Results: ALL CHARGES AGAINST THE DEFENDANT WERE DROPPED. (The passenger was found guilty and was sentenced to 5 years to 10 years in the Pennsylvania State Prison System.
Commonwealth v. CP (Hearing)
Charges: 1-Firearms Not to be Carried Without a License (Felony 3) / Aggravated Assault (Felony 2) / Recklessly Endangering Another Person (M2)
Alleged Facts: The Defendant allegedly shot a firearm (gun) at the Victim. Both the Victim and the Victim's brother told police officers that the Defendant took the gun and aimed it at the Victim and fired a shot.
Commonwealth v. BD (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Delivery (controlled substance) - Crack Cocaine / 1 count of Possession with Intent to Deliver (PWID) / 1 count Possession of a Controlled Substance
Case Results: DISMISSED
Commonwealth v. SB (Trial)
Lead Charge: Possession with Intent to Deliver Felony, Possession of a Controlled Substance Misdemeanor
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant’s residence was served with a search warrant. A very large amount of a controlled substance was found. The Defendant was facing a mandatory drug sentence.
Verdict(s): Not Guilty: Possession with Intent to Deliver, Not Guilty: Possession of a Controlled Substance
Attorney Jones originally beat this case at the Preliminary Hearing. The Magistrate dismissed the charges. However, the Commonwealth re-filed the case at another Magistrate where the case was held for court. Attorney Jones subsequently obtained a complete acquittal at the trial level. Attorney Jones won this case twice.
Commonwealth v. CP ( Jury Trial)
Charges: 1-Criminal Attempt Homicide/ 2- Aggravated Assault- 1st degree Felony/ 3- Recklessly Endangering Another Person -2nd Degree Misdemeanor/ 4-Recklessly Endangering Another Person- 2nd Degree Misdemeanor
Alleged Facts: The Defendant allegedly shot the victim in the chest.
Commonwealth v. VJ (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol / 1 count of Careless Driving / 1 count Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Case Results: DISMISSED
Commonwealth v. JA (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 2 counts of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Case Results: DISMISSED
Commonwealth v. CE (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of CRIMINAL ATTEMPT HOMICIDE , 1 count of Aggravated Assault (2nd Degree Felony), Recklessly Endangering Another Person (2nd Degree Misdemeanor), Driving While Operating Privilege Suspended
Alleged Facts: CE allegedly tried to run over the victim with a vechicle at least five times. The victim was so terrified that his hands were shaking, his eyes were wide and his breathing was heavy with rapid and stuttered speech patterns.
Commonwealth v. AS (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Aggravated Assault (2nd degree Felony)/ Obstructing Administration of Law / Public Drunkness
Commonwealth v. AP (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count Possession with Intent to Deliver/ 1 count of Possession of a Firearm / 1 count of Possession
Alleged Facts: A search warrant was executed on a residence that the Defendant told officers the Defendant was residing at for the past few weeks. 453 stamp bags of heroin were located as well as a Taurus 9mm firearm. The Defendant allegedly told officers that all of the seized items belonged to the Defendant.
Case Results: Commonwealth Nolle Prossed ALL CHARGES (Charges were FULLY WITHDRAWN against the Defendant by the Commonwealth)
Commonwealth v. TE (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: Count 1: PWID (Heroin-over 50 stamp bags) Count 2: Possession (Heroin)
Alleged Facts: TE was in a vehicle in which a significant amount of heroin was found. TE was searched and search incident to arrest had over $1,500.00 on his person.
Case Results: Attorney Jones successfully fought to have ALL of the charges against his client completely and fully WITHDRAWN. Additionally, Attorney Jones was able to get his client's money (over $1,500.00), which was taken during the arrest for the drugs, returned to him.
Commonwealth v. KB (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 Count of Aggravated Assault (1st degree Felony)
Case Results: DISMISSED
Commonwealth v. DH (Trial)
Charges: 1 count of Aggravated Assault (1st Degree Felony) / 1 count of Recklessly Endangering Another Person
Alleged Facts: The Defendant stabbed the victim with a knife causing a very serious injury.
Commonwealth v. CD (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 4 counts of Possession With Intent To Deliver (PWID-Felonies)/ 1 count of Criminal Use of a Communication Facility (3rd degree Felony)
Alleged Facts: The government utilized a confidential informant (CI) to set up two drug transactions from the defendant. Attorney Jones went to the locations to conduct a thorough investigation. Additionally, Attorney Jones obtained various alibi documentation in favor of the Defendant. Over the objection of the narcotics detectives involved in the case, Attorney Jones successfully persuaded the District Attorney's office to WITHDRAW ALL CHARGES AGAINST THE DEFENDANT!!! Attorney Jones won this case without having to set foot in the courtroom.
Commonwealth v. JB (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of DUI/ 1 count of Driving with a Suspended License/ 1 count of Accident Involving Damage to Attended Vehicle
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was charged with driving a vehicle under the influence and hitting a woman in a vehicle directly in front of his vehicle.
Case Results: Complete and Full WITHDRAWAL OF ALL CHARGES against the Defendant.
Commonwealth v. MW (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge: Robbery (2nd Degree Felony)
Alleged Facts: The Defendant held his hand in his jacket pocket as though he had a gun and demanded money.
Commonwealth v. KB (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge: Aggravated Assault (1st Degree Felony-facing a 5-10 year prison sentence)
Alleged Facts: The Defendant choked the victim to the point where the victim was unable to breath. Further, the Defendant then stabbed the victim with a knife.
Commonwealth v. BC (Trial)
Charges: 1 count of Robbery (1st degree Felony) / 1 count of Robbery of a Motor Vehicle (1st degree Felony) / 1 count of Simple Assault (2nd degree Misdemeanor)
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was alleged to have robbed the victim by using a firearm. Additionally, the Defendant allegedly then took the victim's vehicle. The victim testified and identified the Defendant by giving his physical description. Additionally, the victim gave the police the Defendant's full name because she knew him from their neighborhood. Attorney Jones successfully attacked the victim's credibility. Further, Attorney Jones boldly put the Defendant on the stand to testify.
Verdict: NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES. If convicted the Defendant was facing at least 30-60 years in prison.
Commonwealth v. SB (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count Possession with Intent to Deliver (PWID)- Crack Cocaine / 1 count of Possession of a Controlled Substance -Crack Cocaine
Case Results: DISMISSED
Commonwealth v. DG (Trial)
Charges: Count 1- Burglary (1st Degree Felony- potential sentence of 5-10 years) / Count 2- Possessing an Instrument of Crime / Count 3- Simple Assault / Count 4- Simple Assault
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was accused of breaking into a home without a mask and holding the two occupants at gun point. During the course of the alleged burglary the Defendant was said to have pistol whipped one of the two individuals.
Verdict: After a very intense and riveting trial Blaine Jones won a NOT GUILTY VERDICT ON ALL 4 COUNTS. If convicted the Defendant would have been sentenced to at least 5-10 years on the lead count of burglary.
Commonwealth v. AS (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: Count 1- Aggravated Assault (2nd Degree Felony) / Count 2- Obstruction of Justice
Alleged Facts: The Defendant allegedly ran at a police officer and attempted to hit the officer in the face.
Commonwealth v. MR (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge: Count 1- Aggravated Assault- 2nd Degree Felony
Alleged Facts: The Defendant punched a person protected under Pennsylvania statutes as a protected class.
Commonwealth v. SW (Trial)
Charges: Count 1- Luring a Chid inot a motor vehicle/ Count 2- Luring a Child into a motor vehicle/ Count 3-Corruption of Minors/ Count 4- Corruption of Minors/ Count 5- Indecent Exposure/ Count 6- Indecent Assault/ Count 7- Indecent Assault/ Count 8- Indecent Assault with a person less than 16 years old/ Count 9-Simple Assault/ Count 10- Simple Assault/ Count 11- Harassment/ Count 12- Harassment/ Count 13- Possession of Marijuana
Alleged Facts: The Defendant allegedly had a romantic relationship with two minors
Case Result: ALL CHARGES DISMISSED AGAINST THE DEFENDANT . The Defendant was facing mulitple Sex Offender Registries if found guilty. Additionally, the Defendant was facing at least 10 years to 20 years if convicted.
Commonwealth v. JC (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Aggravated Assault (1st degree felony) / 1 count of Carrying a Firearm Without a License 3rd degree felony) / 1 count of Carrying a Firearm by a former Felon (person not to possess) / 1 count of Recklessly Endangering Another Person / 1 count of Intimidation of a Witness / 1 count of Terroristic Threats / 1 count of Simple Assault
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was charged with hitting the victim with his SUV and then pressed a firearm at the side of the victim's head threatening to kill the victim.
Commonwealth v. LL (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Simple Assault / 1 count of Criminal Mischief
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was charged with breaking the window out of the Victim's home. Additionally, according to the police criminal complaint, the reporting Police officer personally witnessed the Defendant punch the victim in the face.
Commonwealth v. JS (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Possession of a Controlled Substance (14 stamp bags of Heroin)
Case Results: Reduced to Summary Disorderly Conduct
Commonwealth v. JL (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 Count 1st Degree Felony Aggravated Assault / 1 Count 1st Degree Felony Criminal Conspiracy / 1 Count Simple Assault / 1 Count Possession / 1 Count False ID to Law Enforcement
Case Results: Aggravated Assault / Criminal Conspiracy / Simple Assault- DISMISSED-remaining two charges reduced to Summary Disorderly Conduct
Commonwealth v. PB (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count Aggravated Assault (1st Degree Felony) / 1 count Recklessly Endangering Another Person / 1 count Endangering the Welfare of Children / 1 count Simple Assault
Alleged Facts: The victim alleged that the Defendant hit him in the leg with the Defendant's vehicle. When Police Officers arrived on the scene the victim told police that the Defendant's vehicle struck him a second time pinning the victim against the fence.
Commonwealth v. UK (Trial)
Charges: 1 count Possession With Intent to Deliver (PWID)/ 1 count Possession of a Controlled Substance/ 1 count of Possession of Marijuana
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was in a home that was raided by the Pittsburgh Narcotics Unit. The Defendant was in close proximity to a large amount of a controlled substance.
Verdict: Motion for Judgment of Acquittal GRANTED! Attorney Jones won this case after the Commonwealth (District Attorney) rested their case.
Commonwealth v. LC (Trial)
Lead Charge: Firearms Not to be Carried Without a License (illegal possession of a firearm), 3rd Degree Felony
Trial: Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was stopped by police and a firearm (gun) was found in the vehicle the Defendant was driving.
Commonwealth v. AM (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Endangering the Welfare of Children
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was charged with assaulting her child.
Case Results: The charges were fully and completely WITHDRAWN against the Defendant
Commonwealth v. CS (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge: Attempted Homicide / Aggravated Assault
Case Results: DISMISSED
Commonwealth v. DM (Trial)
Charge: Simple Assault
Alleged Facts: The Defendant allegedly injured seriously injured the victim's knee resulting in the victim having to have their knee drained.
Commonwealth v. TE (Trial)
Charges: Count 1: Aggravated Assault Count 2: Simple Assault Count 3: Terroristic Threats Count 4: Harassment Count 5: Disorderly Conduct
Case Results: Nolle Prosse (Charges completely WITHDRAWN against Attorney Jones' client!)
Commonwealth v. WD (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge: Simple Assault / Harassment
Case Results: DISMISSED
Commonwealth v. JM (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge: Possession With Intent to Deliver- Felony- (PWID) 432 grams of Marijuana/ Possession
Case Results: Possession With Intent to Deliver -Felony-(PWID) withdrawn- Defendant received Probation Without Verdict on the Misdemeanor Possession charge!
Commonwealth v. BD (Trial)
Lead Charge: Simple Assault, 2nd Degree Misdemeanor
Trial: Jury
Case Facts: The Defendant was involved in a serious fight inside a bar.
Commonwealth v. AJ (Trial)
Charges: Count 1-Possession With Intent to Deliver (Felony) / Count 2-Possession With Intent To Deliver (Felony) / Count 3- Possession of a Controlled Substance (Misdemeanor) / Count 4-Posession of a Controlled Substance (Misdemeanor)
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was found in possession of over 20grams of a controlled substance. Additionally, the Defendant was in possession of 21 ecstasy pills.
Case Results: Attorney Jones was able to negotiate a deal for his client which both Felony charges were withdrawn. Attorney Jones' client plead to the Misdemeanor charges and received 9 months Probation Without Verdict.
Commonwealth v. CB (Preliminary Hearing)
Charge: 1 count of Burglary / 2 Counts of Simple Assault
Case Results: DISMISSED
Commonwealth v. WW (Trial)
Lead Charge: Possession of a Controlled Substance, Misdemeanor
Trial: Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was in a house and a search warrant was served. The Defendant was situated in close proximity to drugs that were found.
Verdict: NOT GUILTY!!!
Commonwealth v. RM (Trial)
Lead Charge: Accident Involving Damage to another vehicle
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was alleged to have driven a vehicle that struck into another car at a high rate of speed. As a result of the crash the Victim’s vehicle was severely damaged.
Commonwealth v. VV (Preliminary Hearing)
Lead Charge: Driving Under a Suspended License (DUI related)
Case Results: DISMISSED- if found guilty the Defendant was facing 90 days in jail.
Commonwealth v. ND (Trial)
Charges: 1st Degree Felony Aggravated Assault, 2nd Degree Misdemeanor Recklessly Endangering Another Person
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was involved in a brutal fight in which she took a knife and slashed the victim. The knife wound resulted in 30 staples to the back of the victim's arm and another 9 staples to the victim's wrist.
Verdict: NOT GUILTY- If convicted the Defendant was facing a minimum of 41/2 - 9 years in a State Correctional Institution.
Commonwealth v. CS (Trial)
Lead Charge: Possession of a Controlled Substance, Misdemeanor
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was the driver of a vehicle that was stopped by Pittsburgh Task Force. Inside the vehicle drugs were found.
Commonwealth v. DM (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: Aggravated Assault (against a Police Officer)
Case Results: WITHDRAWN (Charges Dropped)
Commonwealth v. KR (Preliminary Hearing)
Lead Charge: Simple Assault-Victim Under 12 and Defendant over 21 -M1 (1st degree Misdemeanor)
Alleged Facts: Officers alleged KR struck the victim in the face 3 times causing the victim's nose to bleed.
Case Results: WITHDRAWN (Charges Dropped)
Commonwealth v. TA (Preliminary Hearing)
Lead Charge: False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities- M2 (2nd degree Misdemeanor)
Alleged Facts: Officers alleged TA provided false information on a police report.
Case Results: After argument by Attorney Blaine Jones and the Assistant District Attorney the judge agreed with Attorney Jones' argument and DISMISSED the charges against TA.
Commonwealth v. LC (Trial)
Lead Charge: Receiving Stolen Property. 1st Degree Misdemeanor
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant allegedly had stolen items in his residence.
Commonwealth v. KG (Trial)
Lead Charge(s): Firearms Not to be Carried Without a License (illegal possession of a firearm) - 3RD Degree Felony, Person Not to Possess a Firearm - 1st Degree Misdemeanor
Trial: Non-Jury Alleged Facts: The Defendant was in driving his vehicle when he was stopped. The Defendant’s vehicle had a firearm in the front seat.
Verdict: NOT GUILTY on both charges
Commonwealth v. MC (Trial)
Lead Charge: Possession With Intent To Deliver - Felony, Possession of a Controlled Substance - Misdemeanor
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was stopped and had a significant amount of illegal drugs on his person
Verdict: NOT GUILTY- of Possession With Intent To Deliver/ Guilty-Possession of a Controlled Substance.
Commonwealth v. QE (Trial)
Charges: 1st Degree Felony-Rape / 1st Degree Felony- Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse/ 2nd Degree Felony- Aggravated Indecent Assault/ 2nd Degree Felony- Sexual Assault/ 1st Degree Misdemeanor- Indecent Assault/ 2nd Degree Misdemeanor- Indecent Assault
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was charged with very serious crimes. Attorney Jones' client maintained his innocence and refused any type of guilty plea. Attorney Jones believed in his client and aggressively defended his client. Attorney Jones successfully attacked the Commonwealth's witness and rape kit.
Verdict: NOT GUILTY on all charges- if convicted the Defendant was potentially facing a minimum of 60 years in a State Correctional Institution.
Commonwealth v. JB (Trial)
Lead Charge:
Aggravated Assault - 1st Degree Felony
Aggravated Assault - 2nd Degree Felony
Recklessly Endangering Another Person - 2nd Degree Misdemeanor
Simple Assault - 2nd Degree Misdemeanor
Simple Assault - 2nd Degree Misdemeanor
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was accused of striking police officers and a non-police officer.
Not Guilty: Aggravated Assault
Not Guilty: Aggravated Assault
Not Guilty: Resisting Arrest:
Not Guilty: Simple Assault
Not Guilty: Simple Assault
Commonwealth v. LH (Trial)
Lead Charge:
Aggravated Assault - 3rd Degree Felony
Aggravated Assault - 3rd Degree Felony
Aggravated Assault - 3rd Degree Felony
Resisting Arrest - 2nd Degree Misdemeanor
Harassment - Summary
Harassment - Summary
Harassment - Summary
Criminal Mischief - Summary
Criminal Mischief - Summary
Simple Assault - 2nd Degree Misdemeanor
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was involved in an altercation with Police Officers on Halloween night.
Not Guilty: Aggravated Assault
Not Guilty: Aggravated Assault
Not Guilty: Aggravated Assault
Not Guilty: Resisting Arrest
Not Guilty: Harassment
Not Guilty: Harassment
Not Guilty: Harassment
Not Guilty: Criminal Mischief
Not Guilty: Criminal Mischief
Guilty: Simple Assault
Commonwealth v. DW (Trial)
Lead Charge: Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (firearm) - 1st Degree Felony
Trial: Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant’s shirt was found at the scene of the crime. The Defendant also gave police detectives a full written confession of guilt. Further, the Defendant was looking at his 3rd strike (if the Defendant were found guilty he was facing a prison sentence of 25 years to life) if convicted. Attorney Jones secured a plea agreement of 2-4 years, however the Defendant wanted to go to trial.
Verdict: Hung Jury
Commonwealth v. DS (Trial)
Lead Charge: DUI (Driving Under the Influence) - 1st Degree Misdemeanor
Trial: Non- Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was alleged to have been driving his vehicle on the South Side of Pittsburgh.
Commonwealth v. LF (Trial)
Lead Charge: Aggravated Assault - 1st Degree Felony
Trial: Non-Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant was involved in a fight in a bar in which the victim was required to have plastic surgery for the injuries the Victim sustained.
Commonwealth v. JJ (Trial)
Lead Charge: Homicide - 1st Degree Felony
Trial: Jury
Alleged Facts: The Commonwealth had an alleged eye-witness to the homicide. The Defendant was facing life in prison if convicted.
Verdict: Hung Jury
Commonwealth v. TS (Trial)
Lead Charge: Rape/ Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse/Sexual Assault/Indecent Assault/Simple Assault - 1st Degree Felony
Trial: Jury
Alleged Facts: The Defendant, if convicted was potentially facing a minimum of 50 years in prison. Attorney Jones aggressively put the Defendant on the stand to testify on his own behalf.
Commonwealth v. SH (Trial)
Lead Charge: 29 counts of Burglary - All 29 counts were 1st Degree Felony
Trial: Jury
Alleged Facts: The Commonwealth used 5 of the Defendant’s alleged co-actors as witnesses at trial. All 5 testified against the Defendant as state’s evidence. Even against those odds, Attorney Jones was able to defeat 23 counts of burglary.
Verdict: Not Guilty on 23 counts of Burglary
Commonwealth v. EB (Preliminary Hearing)
Lead Charge: 1- Burglary-1st Degree Felony/ 2-False Identification To Law Enforcement- 3rd Degree Misdemeanor / 3-Criminal Mischief 2nd Degree Misdemeanor
Alleged Facts: The Defendant allegedly broke into a home and stole items belonging to the homeowners.
Commonwealth v. EC (Preliminary Hearing)
Lead Charge: 1- Two Counts of 2nd Degree Felony Aggravated Assault (against 2 police officers) 2-Disorderly Conduct (Misdemeanor 3) 3- Resisting Arrest (Misdemeanor 2) 4 Possession of Marijuana
Alleged Facts: The Defendant is alleged to have been in a vehicle during a traffic stop. The Defendant upon being removed from the vehicle took a fighting stance and allegedly became physical with the officers. Further, marijuana was found near the defendant.
Case Results: ALL FELONY CHARGES DROPPED ! ALL MISDEMEANOR CHARGES DROPPED ! Defendant plead to one count of summary disorderly conduct which can be expunged from his record!
Commonwealth v. BS (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count Robbery (3rd Degree Felony)/ 1 count Simple Assault (2nd Degree Misdemeanor)
Alleged Facts: The defendant allegedly assaulted the victim and forceably took the victim's property.
Commonweatlh v. CD (Preliminary Hearing)
Charges: 1 count of Aggravated Assault (1st Degree Felony)/ 1 count of Terroristic Threats (1st Degree Misdemeanor)/ 1 count of Recklessly Endangering Another Person (2nd Degree Misdemeanor)
Alleged Facts: The Defendant alleged tried to run over the victim with the defendant's vehicle causing the victim to jump out of the way to avoid being hit. The Defendant also threatened to "shoot" the victim.
Commonwealth v. SL (Trial)
Charges: 1 count of Aggravated Assault (2nd Degree Felony)/ 1 count of Unlawful Restraint Causing Bodily Injury/ 1 count of Endangering the Welfare of a Child (3rd Degree Felony)/ 1 count of Corruption of a Minor (3rd Degree Felony)/ 1 count of Corruption of a Minor (1st Degree Misdemeanor) / 1 count of Terroristic Threats (1st Degree Misdemeanor) / 1 count of Simple Assault (2nd Degree Misdemeanor)
Alleged Facts: The Victim alleged the Defendant repeatedly abused the victim over a period of years.

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