$250,000 straight bond reduced to paying $1,000.00! Today my client, who is charged with 1st degree Felony Aggravated Assault, Felony Possession of a Firearm Without A License and Discharging a Firearm in Public, walked out of the Jail! We'll call this client "Tom." Tom's bond was set at $250,000.00 dollar straight bond. Basically, Tom would have had to pay $250,000.00 to be released from the jail. I filed a Bond Reduction motion and the hearing was held today. Through a tremendous amount of hard work and believing in our case, I was able to get the bond reduction motion granted!!!! Tom had to pay $1,000.00 to be released from the jail. Tonight, as I write this , Tom is home with his family. $250,000 straight bond reduced to paying $1,000.00!

$250,000 straight bond reduced to paying $1,000.00!

$250,000 straight bond reduced to paying $1,000.00!

Blaine Jones