My client had a pending charge of 1st degree Felony Aggravated Assault for over a year. My client, in the act of defending herself, stabbed another woman resulting in 39 staples to the other woman's arm and 9 additional staples in the other woman's wrist. When I originally sat down with my client, we will call her Jane, she told me that she was acting in self-defense and she did not intend on harming anyone. I believed her however, I knew it would be difficult because of the severity of the injuries sustained. Jane and I devised a strategy for trial that we both felt comfortable implementing. You see, if convicted, Jane would probably have been given a 4 1/2- 9 year prison sentence. Upon entering back into society Jane would have been a convicted felon which would make it difficult to find employment. Jane had a lot riding on the case, and I felt the same way. Jane chose my firm and I owed her my best!!! One of the key pieces of evidence in the case was the video surveillance tape. Jane's prior lawyer wanted her to take a guilty plea, however Jane kept telling this person that she did nothing wrong and refused to plead guilty. The previous lawyer did not bother getting the video surveillance which tremendously helped our case. Persistence pays off in the courtroom, you must turn over every stone because the winning piece of evidence could be out there. The piece of evidence that could determine freedom or jail. Jane came to me and i felt for her because she was a nice young lady in a difficult predicament. Yesterday, Jane and I won a NOT GUILTY verdict in the Allegheny Court of Common Pleas!! I was so thrilled for Jane because so much was on the line for this young woman. After the trial Jane thanked me over and over again and i was so humbled by her display of gratitude. This job is tough because you see a lot of pain and suffering, however moments such as yesterday is why I continue fighting the good fight!!!!

Moments like yesterday is why I continue fighting the good fight!!!

Moments like yesterday is why I continue fighting the good fight!!!

R. Blaine Jones II, Esq.- The Pittsburgh Attorney